PLAGUE - Homeopathic Guide


Saturday, 23 September 2017


Ignatia: Is an excellent remedy to be used as preventive and curative. It should be given in mother tincture-one drop a dose.

Operculina Tur: When lymphatic glands are enlarged and indurated. Boils and abscesses. Fever is associated with restless, loquacity and delirium.

Tarentula Cub: In septic and toxemia condition. Abscesses with most severe type of inflammation and pain.

Arsenic Alb: Extreme prostration with diarrhoea.

Crotalus Hor: Right sided affections. Tendency to haemorrhages. Patient sleeps into his symptoms.

Pyrogenium: Septic stale with intense restlessness. Horribly offensive discharges whether diarrhoea, vomiting, sweat or breath. Great pain and violent burning in affected parts.

Rhus Tox: With typhoid fever, with delirium and fear of being poisoned.

Pestinum (Plaguinum): Should be given as an inter-current remedy during the course of the disease.

Belladonna: During early stages of the disease when there is acute delirium; fever with dry burning heat and shooting pains. Face and eyes glistening.

Lachesis: Great restlessness and prostration; sore bruised feeling all over. Eyes yellow.

Naja: Is said to be useful in India in bubonic plague and should be given in lieu of Lachesis.

Phosphorus: When accompanied with pneumonia.

Hydrocyanic Acid: During the stage of collapse.