Plumbum: It is the head remedy and covers symptoms from simple
irritation to complete destruction of muscles. It not only covers the muscles
of brain but also of the trunk, extremities and muscles of other organs.
Complete loss of sensation, weakness, cutting, gripping, trembling,
twisting, shooting in the neck, contraction and atrophy of deltoid, oedema,
unsteady gait, shortening of muscles. Worse at night and from motion. Give
in 200 or 1000 dilution.
Argentum Nit: Sensitiveness of spine; great pain in spine which is worse at
night. General trembling and weakness of extremities; cannot walk with
eyes closed; rigidity of calves, also debility; walks and stands unsteadily.
Worse at night and from cold, better from fresh air.
Baryta Carb: Muscular atrophy at the age of puberty.
Phosphorus: It has hypertrophy in some parts and atrophy in others. The
make-up of the patient should be kept in view-a tall, hollow chested
individual with tubercular or syphilitic diathesis. Burning with trembling,
numbness and weakness are the ranking symptoms.
Mur. Acid: it cures muscular weakness following the excessive use of
Thallium: Muscular atrophy. Pain in locomotors ataxia. Tremors. Pain in
stomach and bowels like electric shocks.
Kali Phos: For muscular atrophy. It destroys the virus associated with this
condition. Is a constitutional remedy and should be given along with other
Arnica M:
Cuprum Met:
Baryra Iod:
Are also useful in the above disease.
They may be tried in the given order
when the above remedies fail.