MILK LEG (Phlegmasia alba dolens) - Homeopathic Guide


Monday, 18 September 2017

MILK LEG (Phlegmasia alba dolens)

Pulsatilla: Is the head remedy for the above disease. Pale white swelling. Pain and tenderness along the vein trunks. Chilly, but does not want to be covered.

Lycopodium: Swelling of saphena vein which becomes large and tender. It can be traced all the way up.

Silicea: With contraction of tissues and sheath tendons.

Lachesis: Should be thought of when Pulsatilla fails and when the heart is affected. It has morning aggravation.

Hamamelis: This is another remedy which should be tried if Pulsatilla fails and when symptoms of Lachesis are not present.