MALARIA - Homeopathic Guide


Saturday, 23 September 2017


China: Head remedy for malaria. It has chill but without thirst during the first two stages, viz. chill and heat. The thirst commences about the end of second stage when the fever starts declining. It is prominent during the stage of sweat. In other words, there is thirst before and after the chill. Symptoms are worse every third day. Attack preceded by nausea, accompanied by agitation, palpitation, headache and feeling of hunger. Give in mother tincture or in IX dilution in acute cases. In chronic cases use higher dilution, viz. 200 or 1000.

Chininum Sulph: The paroxysm in this remedy comes at 10 or 11 A.M or 3 and 10 P.M. Strong shaking chill with thirst. The heat stage is very violent and is frequently associated with yawning and sneezing. The thirst is also present during this stage as well as during the sweat stage. The sweat is exhausting and long lasting.

Ars Alb: Great prostration anxiety, restlessness, intense burning thirst with irritability of the stomach, bitter taste. It should be thought of in chronic cases. The chill is usually preceded by a restless night. Alternate chill and heat. Severe shaking chill which may last all day. Thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals. During the chill stage, he feels as if the blood flowing through the vessels is ice cold and no thirst. During the heat stage, he feels as if boiling water is flowing through blood vessels with thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals. 'Thirst for large quantities of water during sweat stage. Abuse of quinine. Suitable when three stages are not distinct.

Eupatorium Perf: Bone pain as if broken. Nausea and vomiting as the chill passes off. Chill begins in the back and may radiate to other parts. Chill, which begins in the small of the back is worse by motion, drinking and uncovering. Nausea increases at the close of the chill till the patient vomits a bitter watery substance. Intense thirst during the heat. There is sweat in the majority of cases. Heavily coated tongue with bitter taste. Pressure over skull cap.

Natrum Mur: Throbbing, hammering headache, and intense thirst, which warns the patient that the paroxysm is at hand. Dreads the long, severe and violent shaking chill with thirst. Vomits green bilious matter during chill with headache. Every fever terminates with profuse perspiration. The paroxysms return between 10 and 11 A.M. This is a marked and a red line symptom of this remedy. Chill begins in the fingers, toes and back and lasts for hours. The tips of the fingers and the lips are blue. The heat is long continued and severe with increase in headache which becomes intolerable often causing stupor or even unconsciousness. The face is yellowish-grey. Spleen and liver enlarged. Blisters on lips.

Pulsatilla: Slightest disorder of the stomach brings on the attack. Bitter taste or sour vomiting of phlegm or bile. Absence of thirst during attack or thirst only during hot stage. Attacks coming on in the evening.

Bryonia: When there is sickness of the stomach, belching, bitter taste, tongue ferried; constipation or diarrhoea, yawning and stiches in the side during heat; much thirst or heat before the chills, red cheeks in cold stage.

Gelsemium: When the chill runs up the spine or starts from the feet. Headache in the nape of the neck. Chill in middle of the day. Drowsiness, dullness and dizziness. No thirst. Suits children.

Wyethia: Chill at 11 A.M. Thirst for ice-water during chill. No thirst with heat. Profuse sweat all night. Terrific headache during sweat.

Rhus Tox: The sensation of cold in cold stage and heat in the heat stage, piercing through the blood vessels: dry tongue. A dry hacking cough before the chill, burning in forehead and eyes; moist mouth. Restlessness which is relieved by movements. Watery yellow stools. Triangular tip tongue. Chill starts in the thigh or between the shoulders.

Apis Mel: Chill with sudden violent vomiting. The fever comes in the evening between 6 and 7 P.M. The chill begins in the chest and abdomen with feeling of weight on the chest. Skin dry and hot. Burning and oppression of the chest is most marked and dyspnoea is alarming.

Cedron: Fever returning at clock-like periodicity.

Menyanthes: Fever with prolonged chill, hands and feet ice cold. Give 200 or 1000 dilution.

Ferrum Ars: Malaria fever with enlargement of liver and spleen. It covers chronic form. Give 6th dilution.

Nux Vomica: Violent, long lasting and shaking chill of the fingers and face, especially the lips and tips of fingers. Very irregular. No thirst during chill and very thirsty during the stage of heat. Pain in the limbs which are relieved by sweat. Giddiness as if drunk. Cramps in muscles of abdomen and the calves of legs.

Veratrum Alb: Fever appearing in the morning with severe chill and heavy sweat which leaves the patient weak and prostrated, limbs becoming deadly cold.

Malaria Off: It ls a nosode and may be given in high dilution in chronic cases or when the cure is not affected even with the well selected remedies. It also completes the cure. Aching pains etc. which continue in spite of the fact that the fever has subsided, will be cured
by this remedy.

Caladium: Always falls asleep every evening during the paroxysm and wakes up after it is over.

Nyctanthes: Malaria fever with bilious vomiting, constipation, burning in stomach, nausea, violent thirst with chill and dropsical swellings.

Cimex: Thirst before chill. Pain in joints during chill Contraction as if tendons are too short. The legs cannot be extended. Drinking of water aggravates or excites cough or headache or both.