INJURIES - Homeopathic Guide


Monday, 18 September 2017


Hypericum: When nerves are injured along with soft parts as in treading on nails, needles, pins, in bites of insects and animals. Marvellous remedy for pierced, torn or injured parts rich in nerves such as lips and finger tips. It is useful for injuries in spine and coccyx. Give Ledum P. immediately in order to prevent tetanus. Presence of intolerable pain during tetanus as a result of injury. Pain in old scars which runs towards the body along the course of nerves.

Symphytum: Injuries due to a blow with blunt instrument. Irritable stump after operation. It should be tried when Ruta fails in injuries to tendons. Slow healing.

Staphisagria: In incised wounds with a sharp instrument or when there is stinging burning pain in the opening by a surgeon which takes unhealthy look.

Ledum: For punctured wounds which feel cold to touch and to the patient but relieved by cold application. Wounds that bleed scantily and are followed by pain; puffiness and coldness of the part. Black eye from a blow or contusion. Wounds caused by rusty nails from stepping on tacks or on needles that run dangerously into soles of feet or palms of hands which become septic. It prevents tetanus. But when tetanus has actually occurred, it is not the remedy; in that case give Hypericum. Withering of diseased limb after injury or punctured wound.

Anacardium: When tendons are affected.

Aristolochia: Blisters or wounds due to shoe bites, horseback riding, rowing, garden work, etc.

Ruta: Sprain and formation of nodules after sprain Lameness after sprain, especially of ankles and wrists. Detachment of tendons from the bone due to injury or sprain. Bruises of kicks on the stem of footballers and hockey players are cured speedily by this remedy. Bruises of bones, tendons and cartilage.

Arnica Mont: Intense sensitiveness due to excessive pains. It may be in gout, rheumatism, traumatic or other injuries. Injuries to soft parts. Over-exertion, strain and sprain. Soreness all over the body. Black or blue appearance of the sprained joints is cured by this remedy.

Calendula: For lacerated wounds.

Allium Cepa: For violent stinging pains in stumps after operation. Burning pain.

Rhus Tox: An excellent remedy for sprains and over lifting. It should be tried when muscles or tendons are strained and when Arnica proves insufficient.

Calcarea Phos: When the bones are fractured or broken. This medicine may be given in alteration with Arnica IM, Ruta and Symphytum every alternate day. Should be used in IM potency.

Paeonia: Ulcers from pressure, as bed-sores, and from ill-fitting shoes.

Bellis Perennis: Great remedy for injuries and sprains, tender to touch. It affects both blood vessels and nerves and thus combines the properties of Arnica and Hypericum. Induration of mammae which persists after a blow.

Crocus: Wounds suppurate.