HAIR - Falling of. - Homeopathic Guide


Monday, 25 September 2017

HAIR - Falling of.

Thuja: Falling of hair due to dry white scaly dandruff.

Falling of beard and eyebrows.

Sphingurus: Falling of hair especially beard and whiskers.

Ustilago M: Baldness due to syphilis. the hair will tall and will not grow.

Wiesbaden: By the use of this remedy the hair will grow rapidly and become darker. Give in 200 dilution.

Calcarea Phos.:
Falling of hair in bunches, leaving patches here and there. Try in the given order.

Acid Phos: Falling of hair from head, also from eye- brows, eye-lashes and genitals; due to grief.

Selenium: Falling of hair from the whole head leaving the scalp smooth and hairless. Falling of hair from eyebrows and face
giving a strange appearance.

Alumina: Extensive falling of hair of the scalp, parts become entirely denuded. Falling of hair all over the body including eye-lashes.

Acid Fluor: Falling of hair due to syphilis. The hairs are dry, they mat; they split and break. Become ragged in masses and lusterless.

Natrum Mur: Falling of hair in pregnancy. Losing hair after chronic headache.

Lachesis: Falling of hair during pregnancy.

Borax: Hair rough and horny, cannot be combed smooth. Hair tangle at the tips and stick together. If these bunches are cut off, they form again.

Pulsatilla: Sensation of hair in eyes.

Nitric Acid: Profuse falling of hair, especially of vertex with eruptions. It may be due to syphilis, nervous headaches, debility or emaciation. Scalp sensitive.

Vinca Minor: Bald spots with itching of the skin, oozing moisture, matting hair together. Irresistible desire to scratch.

Ammon Mur: Falling of hair with dandruff.

Mancinella: Falling out of hair after severe acute diseases.

Kali Carb: Falling of hair from eyebrows.

Rhus Tox: Falling of eye-lashes.

Mercurius: Falling of hair due to syphilis.

Sulphur: Very unruly hair-sandy, harsh and lusterless growing in every direction.

Medorrhinum: Falling of hair with itching of scalp. Better at sea-side.

Sepia: Falling of hair during menopause and pregnancy. Losing of hair during headaches. No desire for conjugal relations.