Calendula: When due to external injuries of ulcerative nature.
Give in 30 dilution and also apply mother tincture mixed with
eight parts of water on the affected part. Destruction of skin
resulting in ulcers.
Arnica M: Inflammation of the skin due to contused wounds.
Apply mother tincture locally and give a dose of 1000 potency
every eight hours until improvement begins when the repetition
should be every fourth day.
Apis M: Caloric or toxic dermatitis which may be due to cold
or heat. Burning, redness and swelling of the skin. It may be
due to handling mercury or carbolic acid.
Cantharis: Burning with urinary difficulties. Urine burns and
scalds. Caloric dermatitis.
Rhus Tox: For toxic dermatitis occurring in professions
handling mercury or carbolic acid. Washer-men, dyers or
miners suffer from similar affections.