DEBILITY - Homeopathic Guide


Monday, 18 September 2017


(See also "FATIGUE")

Indol: Excessive drowsiness, falling asleep while at work, headache with drowsiness or mental trouble with drowsiness.

Bellis Perennis: Tired feeling with desire to lie down and also in debility after attack of gout or rheumatism.

Carlsbad: Prostration, weakness, trembling, tired and dejected feeling.

Curare: Debility from loss of fluids and of the aged.

Formica: Weakness of lower extremities.

Merc Dulcis: Pallid as a corpse with flabby bloatedness, pale children who have swelling of cervical and other glands.

Nux Mosch: Drowsiness with chilliness but thirstlessness.

Tarentula: Weakness, numbness, restlessness of limbs. Pains in limbs. Paralysis, trembling, jerking convulsions. Creeping and crawling sensation on the skin.

Selenium: Slightest exertion brings great fatigue and weakness, especially in hot weather. Also after illness and sexual excesses.

Gratiola: Nervous prostration, marked lassitude, with mental and bodily weakness.

Secale Cor: Emaciated, withered, wrinkled, unhealthy appearance of the skin. Burning internally throughout, but when the parts arc touched they feel cold. Oozing of blood when there is no inflammation, from the throat, lungs, bladder and rectum. Wants to be uncovered.

Sarsaparilla: Emaciated, withered, enfeebled by wine and women; children emaciated, face looks like that of an old person, big belly. Also from hereditary syphilis.

Picric Acid: Prostration both physical and mental. Physical exertion will bring headache and pain in limbs.

Naja: Great languor and fatigue, tired feeling. Depression of both mental and physical powers. Better from walking in open air, very sensitive to cold. Wants to lie in bed for several days and nights, as a single day or night's rest is not considered sufficient. Prostration of strength, especially in lower limbs. Staggering when walking.

Sterculia: Gives power to endure prolonged physical exertion without taking food and without feeling fatigued. Give in ten to twenty drops a dose in mother tincture.

Carbo Veg: Prostration and debility from nursing. An excellent remedy for debility after any acute disease such as influenza, diarrhoea etc. Give in 200 potency every four hours-thrice daily for about two months and then increase the potency to IM to be given daily for another two months.

Coca: It has invigorating or tonic effect. He is better able to withstand the heat of summer than the cold of winter.

Alumina: Great lassitude of whole body; slow; tottering gait; great fatigue, especially on talking. Excessively faint and tired.

Camphora: Extremely slow pulse, not perceptible, cannot be counted, very rapid. Icy coldness all over with death-like paleness of face. Cold, clammy and weakening sweat. Face pale or bluish, lip livid bluish.

Acid Phos: Nervous debility. Mental weakness is followed by physical, i.e. the mind gets tired first. It becomes forgetful and then develops physical weakness. Debility due to unknown causes.

Muriatic Acid: It is the reverse of Acid Phos. Here the physical weakness comes first and then it is followed by mental weakness.

Alumen: Paralytic weakness of the muscles, lack of tone; extremities weak.

Natrum Mur: Weakness, emaciation, nervous prostration and irritability in patients with shiny skin, pale, waxy looks as if greased.

Stannum Met: Increasing weakness, cachexia, catarrhal conditions and neuralgias dating back over years. Hoarseness, loss of voice due to weakness or paralytic weakness of vocal cord.

Alfalfa: Acts as fat producer and corrects tissue waste. It cures neurasthenia, uremia, nervous indigestion, nervousness, debility due to tuberculosis or diabetes. Give 5-l0 drops of mother tincture thrice daily for a long time.

Carboneum Sul: Marked lassitude and constant desire to lie down specially when due to alcoholic stimulants. Weakness and suffocation from ascending stairs. Better in open air but worse from a draught.

Iodium: Extreme exhaustion from walking and sweats copiously even on slightest exertion
(Kali Iod. Patient can walk long distances without exhaustion).

Cocculus Ind: Physical and mental prostration after nursing. For worn out people due to worry, anxiety and loss of sleep. The physical weakness leads to paralysis. Unable to sustain any mental or physical strain. Behind time in all their actions.

Acetic Acid: Weakness of many years, anaemia, emaciation, loss of appetite, inherited phthisis, burning thirst and copious pale urine.

Senna: For debility when the system is broken down with excess of nitrogenous waste. Exhaustion, sinking sensation after meals.

Kali Phos: Debility from mental strain.

China Off: Debility from excessive discharges and from loss of blood. Debility after an attack of flu, diarrhoea or other ailments or sufferings caused by loss of fluids such as bleeding, seminal emissions and diarrhoea etc. Feels pale, Hippocratic, eyes sunken and surrounded by blue margins.

Aletris F:
Debility due to prolapsus of the uterus.

Nux Vom: Debility due to drugging.

Ammonia Carb: Debility, want of energy, power, strength tone. Weak, tired, played out mind and body. Palpitation and difficult breathing on motion.

Chelidonium: Great laziness and drowsiness without yawning. Lethargy, weary, indolent disposition. Feeling not well without knowing what the matter with him is. Debility and lassitude.

Arnica M: Debility due to over-exertion and muscular fatigue, caused by injuries.

Ferrum Met: Debility due to anaemia.

Alumina Silicate: Nervous debility from mental excitement and from anger and exertion. Absent-mindedness. Weakness of limbs; cannot ascend stairs as if the body is too heavy.

Psorinum: Debility after acute diseases; depressed; hopeless; night sweats. Foul discharges, from ears, bowels, leucorrhoea, sweat, sputum etc.