CRAMPS (See also "WRITERS CRAMPS") - Homeopathic Guide


Saturday, 30 September 2017


Benzoic Acid: Cracking of joints when moving.

Rhus Tox: Is the head remedy for cramps which are worse at rest and better by movements. Cracking of joints in motion.

Calcarea Carb: Cramps worse at night in bed, and on stretching the legs in bed.

Cuprum Met: Severe cramps, especially in calves. Secale Cor. Cramps in calves. Give in 200 potency.

Petroleum: Tonic spasms; cracking of joints; inflexibility of joints. Spasms acute or chronic.

Calcarea Phos: Cramps in the calves. Stinging and shooting in the toes.

Magnesia Phos: Cramps, stiffness, numbness, awkwardness, deadness of nerves, from prolonged exertion. Writer's cramps due to long use of hands and fingers.

Natrum Phos: Cramps in calves and feet; cramps in hands when writing; cracking in joints.

Camphor: Cramps with icy coldness of limbs.