COLDNESS - Homeopathic Guide


Monday, 18 September 2017


Cuprum Ars: Icy coldness of the body with cramps and obstinate hiccup. Frequent vomiting, purging and cold sweat.

Heloderma: Coldness of the whole body, of all internal parts, such as heart, brain, lungs, kidneys etc.; even the breath is cold with paralysis and tremors. Coldness of the body as if frozen with slow pulse and sinking. Give 200 dilution.

Sepia: Sensation of coldness in vertex.

Veratrum Album: Creeping coldness throughout the whole of the body. Hands icy cold and blue with nails blue whilst feet are hot or vice versa. Copious discharges.

Wyethia: Chill at 11 A.M. Thirst for ice water during chill. No thirst with heat. Profuse sweat all night. Terrific headache during sweat.

Petroleum: Coldness in spots is a great feature of this remedy; coldness in stomach, in uterus, in abdomen, between scapula. Sensation as if heart were cold.

Secale Cor: Coldness to the touch, yet cannot bear to be covered. Ruta. Coldness from spine downwards.

Thuja: Coldness through entire length of spine; coldness in arms.

Calcarea Carb: Cold sweat. Coldness in patches. Sensitive to cold damp air. Sweat in patches. Icy coldness of the body with cold sweat.

Lachesis: Cold flushes during the night and hot flushes by day. 

Camphor: Outside coldness and internal heat. Icy coldness of hands.
Marked nausea.

Valeriana: Sensation of coldness in head.

Laurocerasus: Great general coldness. If he goes in a warm room to relieve the cold, he gets nausea and sweat breaks out on the forehead which makes him cold again. He is only warmed up in open air.

Ammonia Muriaticum: Icy coldness between the scapulae not relieved by hot wraps. Icy coldness between shoulder blades.

Saccharum: Sensation of both coldness and heat. Icy cold pains passing in all directions.

Natrum Phos: Hands, legs and feet cold. Feet icy cold during menses in day time, burn at night in bed.

Lycopodium: Sensation of icy coldness in the eye-balls, chest etc., especially when there is aggravation between 4-8 P.M.