CHILBLAINS - Homeopathic Guide


Monday, 25 September 2017


Agaricus Mus: Is the head remedy. Chilblains more painful during cold weather. Itching. Head remedy for frostbite.

Psorinum: Skin rough, chaps easily becomes thick and scaly; cracks break out in little scaly eruptions; dingy, dirty and foul look as if covered with dirt.

Petroleum: Cracks on skin about the ends of fingers and on the back of the hands-skin rough, ragged, cracks and bleeds, the tissues are hardened. Chilblains broken. Patient is irritable and easily offended. Itching chilblains and chapped hands.

Rhus Ven: It is remedy for itching burning chilblains. The mother tincture applied locally will give immediate relief and cure.

Rhus Tox: ln inflamed chilblains.

Hepar Sulph: In chilblains when the suppuration is threatened.

Cistus Can: Cracks on hard surface especially of workmen due to hard manual labour.

Sulphur: It is useful in persons with irritable skin.

Pulsatilla: In girls with delayed and scanty menstruation. Better in open air, worse in heat; thirstlessness; dislikes fats. Chilblains that turn blue or bluish-red.

Crotalus: Threatened gangrene, chronic; but occurring in not very hot weather, due to low vitality.

Tamus: Chilblains and chapped hands.

Acid Nit: Chilblains in toes, foot-sweat causing soreness in toes; patient loves fatty and saltish things.