DEMENTIA PRECOX (Loss of intellect, memory and reason) - Homeopathic Guide


Wednesday 7 February 2018

DEMENTIA PRECOX (Loss of intellect, memory and reason)

Nux Vom: Disposition to find fault with everything and everybody; extreme sensitiveness to the words and attention of others, inclination to kill his best friends; wants to commit suicide but is too cowardly to do so; very irritable, quarrelsome, vindictive.

Mercurius: Complete loss of all sense of decency: filthy in body with grovelling mentality; great weakness of memory; impaired vision: foul breath; heavy coated tongue.

Ignatia: Extreme mental sensitiveness due to grief. Disappointment in love affairs.

Calcarea Carb: Complete lack of development of brain and other organs with forgetfulness. Slowness and inability to acquire knowledge.

Lycopodium: Great depression of spirits; despondent; worried about his salvation; about being able to perform his duties; about passing his examination, fretful, irritable, morose; very vehement and angry. Constipation, eructations of sour food.

Staphisagria: Sleeplessness. Coward with shamefulness, disgust, humiliation, despair, shyness with desire for solitude.

Chamomilla: Sensitiveness; irritable, peevishness; very easily angered and suffers profoundly as a result thereof.

Tarentula His: Rages over something and throws whatever in hand and whatever he could reach. On slightest contradiction or objection he will hit the person with whatever he can get hold of.