(See also "VISION")
Helleborus: When the cause is not known.
Silicea: With sudden appearance of furuncles (boils)
Ferrum Met: In hysteria.
Phosphorus: After lightning stroke.
Gelsemium: With ptosis and/or dilated pupils. In hysteria or from grief. Blindness due to haemorrhage in the eye.
Bovista: When due to paralysis of optic nerve.
Kali Mur: When caused by snow; all seems smoke and mist.
Glonoine: During or after cerebro-spinal meningitis.
Sulphur: This remedy should be given in 200 dilution as an intercurrent remedy.
Lycopodium: It is the head remedy for night blindness. It should be tried first. Sudden blindness with cutting pains.
China Off: It should be tried if Lycopodium fails. Feeling as if there is sand in the eyes.
Petroselinum: With swelling of the eyes.
Physostigma: Night blindness with or without glaucoma or myopia.
Ranunculus Bulboses: Night and day blindness in women during pregnancy.
Hyoscyamus: Night blindness accompanied by quivering and jerking.
Kali Bich: Blindness preceded by headache, the sight improves as the pain becomes worse.
Mancinella: Blindness caused by intense inflammation.