Arnica: In sore and bruised feeling of the chest.
Ranunculus B: Best remedy for intercostal rheumatism, sharp stitching pains and a sore spot in the chest. Worse from motion or even from breathing, or from pressure or change of climate. Distressing dyspnoea at times.
Gaultheria: It is indicated in pain in the anterior mediastinum (i.e. in the space between the two lungs). Rhus Tox. When the pains shoot into the shoulders.
Senega: In cold with stitches, sensation of tightness and much mucus is the chest; hoarseness; sore throat that hurts the patient when talking. Cough ends with sneezing.
Rumex C: Sharp stitches and stinging pains through the left lung. Early stage of phthisis.
Asclepias: Sharp stitches through the lower part of the chest. Worse on motion.
Kali Carb: Stitching pain in the chest, especially the right side. Worse between 2-3 A.M.
Trifolium P: Has hoarseness and choking spells at night with cough. Neck stiff; cramps in the sterno-cleido mastoid muscles which are better by heat and friction.
Actea Racemosa: Worse on the right side, specially in nervous women.
Acalypha Ind: Constant severe pain in chest with bloody expectoration.