Baryta Carb: Suffocative cough in old people; sensation of smoke in lungs thereby rendering respiration impossible.
Glycerine: Influenzal pneumonia. Profuse coryza and dyspnoea. Consolidation in both lungs. Give in 200 potency.
Arum Triph: When accompanied by laryngeal cough.
Natrum Mur: Chronic bronchial catarrh, winter cough and asthma. Profuse secretion of mucus. Balsamum Peru. An admirable remedy for bronchial catarrh. Loud rales in chest, expectoration thick, creamy or yellowish white.
Pix Liquida: An excellent remedy for bronchial catarrh and also in phthisis pulmonalis. Expectoration of purulent matter, offensive odour and taste. Pain in left third costal cartilage.
(The remedies given under "CATARRH-NOSE" should also be studied).