Lachesis: Scars bleed easily, break open, red scars.
Kali Iod: Scars left by small boils on face, neck, scalp, chest
and back.
Sarracenia. P:
Pock marks left by small pox
on the face. Give Variolinum 200 every fortnight and
Sarracenia P. IX twice daily except on the day when
Variolinum is given.
Causticum: Deep scars; injuries become sore again.
Lyssin: Scars left by the bite of a dog.
Graphites: Old hard scars.
Acid Flour: Old scars become red around edges; covered or
surrounded by itching vesicles.
Thiosinaminum: For dissolving scar tissue, enlarged glands,
lupus, strictures and adhesions.
Phytolacca: When the above remedies fail.
Crocus: Old cicatrized wounds open again and again and
Silicea: Scars left by boils or ulcers.