PSORIASIS - Homeopathic Guide


Monday, 25 September 2017


Sulphur: Treatment of psoriasis should be started with this remedy which should be given in CM potency. No medicine for 15 days thereafter.

Kali Brom: Syphilitic psoriasis. Skin cold, blue, spotted, corrugated, large, indolent, painful pustules.

Kali Arsenicum: Patches of psoriasis on back, arms, and spreading from elbows; scaly itches, scaling off leaves behind red skin. Withered in bends of arms and knees.

Thyroidinum: Psoriasis in chilly and anaemic subjects. Dry impoverished skin; cold hands and feet.

Radium Brom: Psoriasis of penis. Itching eruptions on face oozing. Patchy erythema on forehead. Burning sensation and itching all over.
Corallium Rubrum: Psoriasis of palms and soles. Red flat ulcers. Coral coloured spots changing to dark red and then copper coloured.

Ars. Brom: Is an excellent remedy and should be given in 3X dilution.

Acid Chrysopharicum: Use this as ointment 4 to 8 grains with one ounce of vaseline for outer application. Internally it may be given in 3X or 3rd dilution.

Ars. Sulph Rub: For skin diseases; especially psoriasis and also eczema, acne and furuncles.

Selenium: Psoriasis-syphilitic-of the palms, itching of the palms, hands withered; tearing pain in hands. If there is no relief from this, give other remedies according to symptoms.

Hydrocotyle: With extensive thickening and exfoliation of the skin.

Mezereum: Psoriasis of the palms, itching worse from heat.

Petroleum: Of the hands, with fissures. Worse in cold weather.

Arsenic Alb: Psoriasis, worse by cold application and wetness, better by warmth. Give in 200 dilution every week.

Arsenic Iod: Psoriasis better in cold and wet weather, or by cold application: by warmth. Lower dilutions, 6 or 30 preferred, although higher dilutions 200 or 1000 not ruled out when lower dilutions fail.

Manganum: Psoriasis appearing or worse at the time of menses. Painful cracks.