DIFFICULT - CHILD - Homeopathic Guide


Monday, 18 September 2017


Chamomilla: Agitated, restless, impatient but calm and quiet when carried. Violent desire for one thing but throws away when offered and asks for another. Intolerance of pain and sensitiveness of breasts in young girls are the ranking symptoms.

Ignatia: Nervous, excessively emotional, melancholic and sad. Tendency to grieve in silence, vexed. Sighs involuntarily. Constantly yawns and weeps for nothing. Mental depression.

Pulsatilla: Unstable, changing humour. Timid and emotional, weeps for nothing, smiles in tears. Intellectual fatigue, absent-minded, irresolute, anxious, ungrateful. Fear of opposite sex. Insomnia. Complete absence of thirst. Acne.

Sepia. Sad: Interested in nothing. Indifferent to everything; may it be play, reward, distinctions, etc. Nothing interests and nothing amuses. Low spirited and feels tired. Silently weeps in a corner. Very

emotional. Yellow spots on nose. Desire for vinegar, aversion to meat, cannot digest milk.

Iodium: Greedy, irritated and cannot rest still. Always hungry, never satisfied. Rapid emaciation in spite of eating well. Malsecretion of glands, thyroid, axillary, mesenteric, inguinal etc.

Hepar Sulph: Wicked. Impulse to do wrong, to beat, to set fire. Never contented, always changing place. Unhealthy skin. Profuse acrid sweat.

Anacardium: Impulsive. Disagreeable to those whom he loves and respects-knows it is so, but cannot help it. Laughs on grave matters and becomes grave on minor things. Apprehensive, irritable, wicked, swears and curses. Better after eating.

Lycopodium: Angry. Extremely irritable, expresses in violent words. Sudden outburst having no control over himself. Loss of self- confidence. Afraid to shoulder responsibility. Bad humour when waking up. Loss of memory, forgets letters when writing. Cannot find the proper word to express himself.

Causticum: Timid. Undeveloped child late in walking and speaking. Anxiety and agitation in the evening twilight. The child does not go to bed.

Sanicula: Obstinate, headstrong child with progressive emaciation; child looks dirty, old, greasy. Skin wrinkled about the neck and hangs in folds.

Argentum Nit: Child does not want to go to school. With the use of this remedy in 30 dilution four times daily, the habit of going to school will be formed.

Sulphur: Intoxicated. Continual suffering of asthma, eczema, morning diarrhoea, insomnia, weakness. Great fatigue, cannot keep standing, aversion to physical exercise. Aversion to washing and bathing. Burning.