WRITER'S CRAMPS - Homeopathic Guide


Tuesday 6 February 2018


(See also "CRAMPS")

Magnesia Phos: An excellent remedy for writer's cramps when due to long use of hands and fingers and chorea when there is relief by heat. Give in IM dilution.

Gelsemium: Head remedy for cramps, trembling of hands. Lack of muscular control. Cramps in the muscles of fore-ann.

Rhus Tox: Fingers stiff, pa in more in the tendons than in muscles. Better from rest and dry warmth (except the stiffness), like heat of electric pad.

Aconite N: Paralytic weakness of the arm and hand especially when writing. Tingling in the fingers when writing.

Cuprum Met: Jerking and twitching of muscles. Coldness of hands. Cramps in palms, great weariness of limbs.

Stramonium: Weakness of the fingers with slight cramping.

Actea R: Trembling of fingers when writing.

Zincum Phos: This should be tried when all other remedies have failed. Cramping of the fingers in patients suffering from paralysis with the beginning of degeneration of the brain.

Muriatic Acid: Spasmodic pain like cramp on the ball of the right thumb when writing. It goes off when moving the thumb.

Sulphuric Acid: Writer's cramp, tendency to gangrene following mechanical injuries. Lead poisoning.

Ferrum Iodatum: An excellent remedy for writer's cramp.