VERTIGO (Minier's Disease) - Homeopathic Guide


Saturday 3 February 2018

VERTIGO (Minier's Disease)

Chininum: Sulph. Vertigo due to affection of aural nerve with pain in forehead, banging and roaring in the ears with deafness.

Cocculus: Head remedy for vertigo, which is worse when sitting up or riding. There may be vomiting.

Chenopodium: Sudden vertigo due to numbness of auditory nerve. Incomplete deafness, which is better for high pitched than a low pitched voice; but worse for the human voice. Ringing in ears.

Graphites: Vertigo in the morning on waking; in the evening; on looking upwards, on rising, from stooping; must lie down. Inclination to fall forward.

Natrum Sul: Vertigo with ringing in the ears as of bells.

Magnesia Carb: This should be given when Natrum Sulph. fails.

Belladonna: In full blooded patients with throbbing in carotid arteries. Turning in bed or moving the head makes him dizzy. Things go round. Lies in bed and cannot hold the head up.

Glonoine: Vertigo with pain in vertex. Vertigo caused by shaking the head. Intoxicated feeling when stooping.

Gelsemium: Vertigo due to improper functioning of the eyes. Diplopia is very marked. Tendency to stagger.

Nux Vom: Gastric vertigo which comes on after eating or in the morning after night debauch.

Ferrum Phos: Vertigo due to anaemia or loss of blood; face pale, muscles flabby, flushes bright red during the attack; pulsations of rapid heart.

Thuja: When closing the eyes.

Lachesis: When inclined to fall to the left in vertigo. Vertigo on closing the eyes. Sinking sensation.
Scolopendra. When accompanied with blindness.

Gratiola: During and after a meal. On closing the eyes while reading; or rising from seat.

Theridion: On closing the eyes, from motion, from stooping, on board a vessel. Vertigo causing nausea and vomiting with blindness and pain in the eyes.

Selenium: On rising from bed or seat, on moving about, with nausea, vomiting and faintness after eating.

Nitric Acid: Early in the morning on rising. Must lie down.

Lac. Vacc. Def: When raising her hands high to thread her needle. When turning in· bed or on moving head from the pillow.

Conium: Brought on by alcohol drinks. Vertigo as if turning around in a circle whether standing, sitting or in bed. The bed or chair seems to be going round. Vertigo worse turning head sideways or turning in bed. Vertigo as if turning head side-ways in a circle.

Cadmium Sulph: When in the room, the bed spins round.

Ambra Grisea: With feeling of weight on vertex. Worse after sleep, especially in the morning. Worse after eating; had to lie down on account of vertigo and feeling of weakness in stomach. Vertigo due to old age.

Cicuta Virosa: Vertigo when trying to rise, objects whirl before the eyes, then comes darkness before the eyes when he has to lie down again; eyes sunken, cheeks pale, hearing poor, breathing difficult, appetite lost, bed wetting.

Caladium: Vertigo on closing the eyes. Cannot stand or walk with eyes shut.

Lac can: Vertigo with sensation of floating in mid-air, or when lying she feels as if she were not on the bed.

Laurocerasus: Vertigo in open air. He must lie down.

Alumina: Vertigo with numbness of soles of feet, staggering gait, in coordination with other limbs.
Morphinum. Vertigo from least movement of head.

Asarum Europ: Vertigo as if drunk. Hovering in the air.

Mercurialis Perennis: Vertigo by going downstairs.

Calcarea Sul: Vertigo in the morning on getting up or again in the evening; better in open air. Vertigo with nausea.

Agaricus M: Vertigo in the morning returning at short intervals during the day. Vertigo excited by strong sun-light. Attacks of vertigo with tottering gait; in open air.

Phosphorus: Vertigo when looking upwards or downwards; in the open air; after eating; in the evening.

Ceonathus: Most alarming vertigo on turning over to the right side; there is no vertigo on lying .on the left side.

Ptelia T: Giddiness with persistent nausea and vomiting. Unsteadiness of legs with vertigo.

Ailanthus: Giddiness with nausea, retching and some vomiting; tottering gait, staggering. Electrical thrill starts from the head and goes to the extremities.

Argentum Nit: Vertigo caused by the sight of high houses in the street. It makes him to stagger. He cannot look up and down. Vertigo on closing the eyes.

Calcarea Carb: Vertigo when climbing into high places; ongoing upstairs; or up a hill; on suddenly raising or turning head when at rest or on walking; inclination to fall backwards or sideways.

Muriatic Acid: Whirling in the open air and unsteady in walking. Staggering when walking, from weakness of thighs.

Staphisagria: Vertigo whilst sitting. Better by walking about in a circle.

Aconite N: Vertigo witch comes from fear, from sudden fear, and the fear of the fright remains, i.e., when she is pursued by dog or thief etc. Staggering to the right; vertigo with nausea especia11y when rising; vertigo worse on shaking head whereby complete darkness comes before the eyes.

Iodium: Vertigo only on left side, worse stooping. Vertigo with termer at heart and fainting.

Pulsatilla: Vertigo relieved by walking. Vertigo as from intoxication, especially when sitting. Head heavy.

Rhododendron: Vertigo when lying in bed, better while moving about.

Salicylic Acid: Vertigo with inclination to fall to left, while surrounding objects seem to fall to the right. Auditory nerve vertigo.

Alumina Silicate: Vertigo morning and evening; while sitting; walking ; turning the head suddenly; by closing the eyes: better by lying.

Bromium: Vertigo with tendency to fall backward. Worse when crossing a bridge and looking at running water or from rapid motion before him. 

Baryta Carb: Everything rocks with him as in. a ship.