UNCONSCIOUSNESS - Homeopathic Guide


Saturday 3 February 2018



Lachesis: When due to haemorrhage in the brain. Restless and uneasy, although unconscious.

Helleborus: Complete unconsciousness; picks lips and clothes; staring; involuntary sighing.

Opium: Complete loss of consciousness; constipation; stertorous breathing.

Hydrocyanic Acid: Unconscious with fear of everything.

Phosphorus: When alternating with delirium.

Arnica Mont: Unconsciousness but answers correctly when spoken to. In shock from injury.

Cicuta Virosa: Unconsciousness during convulsions.

Cina: Unconsciousness before attack of cough.

Glonoine: Unconsciousness during headache. In sun-stroke.

Nux Mosch: Unconsciousness with immobility of left leg.

Aethusa. Legs stretched out in unconsciousness.

Cannabis. Ind. Losing himself every few moments.

Belladonna. Unconsciousness with opisthotonos.

Causticum. Attack of unconsciousness while sitting (due to anaemia).

Hyoscyamus. Is aroused when spoken to in delirium.