OUR NERVOUS SYSTEM - Homeopathic Guide


Tuesday 6 February 2018


For curing 'Nervous-Diseases' it is essential to have knowledge of our Nervous-system which includes (1) Brain (2) Spinal cord (3) Nerves 
Brain. is a very complicated and most delicate part of our body kept by 'Nature' in a very safe & hard box within our head. It has mainly three parts: 
(1) CEREBRUM (Upper Part) which controls our senses, feelings & memory. 
(2) CEREBELLUM (Lower Part) which coordinates our Body Functions and maintains different equilibriums. 
(3) MEDULA-OBLANGATA - is a bulb like organ which controls circulation of Blood and the functions of Heart, Lungs & Glands. Besides these three parts. 'SPINAL-CORD' placed within the back-bone is our second brain and conducts all sensations and impulses to brain and carries the orders of the brain for action to different parts of the body. 
NERVES are the fine fibers whose network runs in all parts and organs of our body. They convey the impulses & sensation of different parts of the body & Vice-Versa. 
This system's working is affected by our feeling, Mental Shocks & Stresses and Physical Strains. Heredity & constitutional defects also play an important role in the proper functioning of this system, so also sudden change in habits, shocks, joy or accident. 
Therefore, while taking up a Nervous-System case following observations are important: 
( I) What & where has it been affected 
(2) Cause of the start of the disease 
(3) General Symptoms 
(4) Specific symptoms 
(5) What part has been affected 
(6) Heredity & constitutional impact if any? 
Only after careful study all these, can you prescribe the correct medicine, Potency & the Dose-Interval.