MISTAKES - Homeopathic Guide


Tuesday 6 February 2018


Lycopodium: In calculating ; in syllables ; in using words ; in spelling ; in writing.

Nux Vom: In measures and weights he gives wrong answers.

Nux Mos:
Mistakes localities. (Try these medicines in the given order.)

Natrum Mur: Tendency to make mistakes in speaking and writing.

Cannabis Sat: Makes mistakes in writing and speaking and misunderstands what he reads and hears.

China: Using wrong words or misplacing words.

Lachesis: Mistakes in writing words.

Thuja: Makes mistakes in reading and writing. Speaks slowly as if at a loss for the words.

Xerophyllum: Dull, cannot concentrate mind for study; forgets names; writes last letters of the word first. Misspells common words.

Alumina Silicate: Making mistakes in speaking and writing. Forgetful, indifferent, irresolute ; deficiency of ideas.