MIGRAINE - Homeopathic Guide


Monday 5 February 2018


(See also "HEADACHE")

Scutellaria: In nervous sick headaches which are caused by excitement and over-exertion. Frequent scanty urination. Give 5 drops a dose of the mother tincture.

Tongo: Migraine and neuralgic affections.

Chionanthus: Migraine due to acidity and sluggishness of liver.

Damiana: As excellent remedy for migraine. It should be given in mother tincture in 15-20 drop doses every 2 hours. In severe cases it may be given every half hour and the patient will sleep after two doses.

Calcarea Lac: It is useful in T.B. diathesis. Give in 3x dilution.

Iris V: Periodical nervous sick headache which comes on after the patient relaxes from a mental strain. With school teachers it comes on Saturday or Sunday, and with preachers on Monday. The patient usually vomits a bitter bilious substance and the vomiting gives relief to the pains in the head. Migraine of the eye with constipation. Object could only be seen in halves.

Cyclamen: If Iris. V. fails, this remedy may be tried provided migraine is accompanied with sparkling before the eyes.

Coffea: An excellent remedy for headache caused by loss of sleep following excitement.

Ignatia: When due to grief in hysterical patients. Frequent urination, profuse or scanty.

Belladonna: Headache in pleuthoric and healthy persons. The cause is some disturbance of the circulatory system. The headache is violent, pounding and throbbing.

Iris Tenax: Headache which begins on Saturday before rising, beginning on left eye extending thence to left half of head.