FEAR - Homeopathic Guide


Wednesday 7 February 2018


(See also "DEATH" and "DREAD")

Aconite N: Fear of death, darkness, noisy places, music. Fear of death during pregnancy. Fear of ghosts. Fear of entering trolley car or railway trains. Fear with vexation. Fear of crossing streets. Intense fear with awful anxiety and restlessness.

Stramonium: Fear in delirium. Fear, of dogs. Fear caused by hallucinations. Fear of water, of light, of doing things wrong and of being scolded. Fear of darkness, yet horror of glistening objects; of night; of being injured. Great thirst but dreads water.

Opium: Fear persisting after some traumatic experience. When fear causes diarrhoea. Easily frightened. Fear of death. Especially when fright causes timidity.

Nux Vomica: Fear of fantastic dreams. Haunted by fear. Fear of noise. Suitable for nervous and irritable persons.

Cuprum Metallicum: When fear causes spasmodic dyspnoea.

Mercurius: Fear with desire to escape as if she had committed some crime.

Arsenic Alb: Fear of being killed with a knife. Fears to be alone, wants company. Great restlessness.

Cuprum Aceticum: Fear of bed clothes or house catching fire.

Silicea: Brain-fag. Fixed ideas; thinks only of pins, fears them, searches and counts them.

Arnica M: Fear and horror of sudden death, fears some dreadful thing will happen. Rises up in the night and grasps at the heart. Full of nightmare and dreadful dreams. Fear of being struck by those coming towards him.

Calcarea Carb: Anxiety or fear that something terrible and sad will happen. Fear that people will observe her confusion of mind. Fear of insanity.

Belladonna: Fear of imaginary things or evils. Wants to run away. Fear of animals; of dogs.

Hyoscyamus: Fear of being poisoned, of being injured, of being scolded, of water, of people. Fear of being bitten by beasts.

Succinum: Fear of trains and closed rooms.

Ignatia: Air-raid fear in hysteric persons who faint at slightest provocation. Sadness due to fright.

Bryonia: Fear of poverty.

Gelsemium: Fear of bombing and air-raid etc. Stage fright. Palpitation of heart due to a shock from hearing news of anticipated bombing or air-raids. Tired feeling and trembling. There is restlessness and anxiety running about in this remedy. Fear of falling.

Argentum Nitricum: Over-anxious, frightened, hasty individual, due to air-raids and bombing etc. Restlessness and running about is characteristic of this remedy. Fear that death is nearing. Fear of going in a crowd, church or cinema or in a stuffy room where he cannot breathe, such as an elevator or tunnel.

Phosphorus: Fear of impending disaster; of darkness of being alone; of suffocation; of thunderstorm; of something bad to happen.

Alumina: Fear of evening.

Lyssin: Fear of water, the sight of which creates urge for urination. It is specific when there is a fear of water.

Cannabis Ind: Fear of being eternally lost. Cannot bear the calling of the name of God since he feels he is dying. Fear at the sight of bright objects, at little breath of air or at the approach of any one. Fear of darkness.

Lycopodium: Fear of being alone, of crowds, of dark, of death, of ghosts, of people.

Cocculus: Fear of death and unknown danger.

Kali Carb: Fear of the future, of death, of something going to happen, of ghosts in persons, who are tiresome, irritable and sensitive, never at peace, never want to be alone.

Clematis: Fear of being alone, but disinclined to meet otherwise agreeable company.

Anacardium: Fears he is pursued, looks for thieves, expects enemies, fears everything and everybody. Full of internal anxiety, cowardly in the extreme. Can do bodily injury without feeling. Cruel; malicious; wicked.

Caladium: Extreme nervousness; afraid of his own shadow, awake all
the night with lascivious thoughts, apprehensions, especially before going to sleep; afraid of the future.

Camphor: Extreme fear with anxiety, fear of persons, strangers, of the dark and of imaginary specters (ghosts).

Manganum: Anxiety and fear. Great apprehensiveness, Something awful is going to happen. He attempts mental occupation, tries to occupy his mind, the more he does this, the more anxious he becomes. He cannot meditate or think as he is tired and care worn. He lies down and all this passes away. Better by lying down.

Spongia: Fear of death, of the future, of something dreadful that might happen, accompanied with dyspnoea and anxiety.

Paullinia Finata: Fear of becoming consumptive.

Onosmodium: Fear of falling or going up and down stairs.

Mancinella: Fear of getting crazy; of evil spirits.

Medorrhinum 200: Fear of death; worse when alone. Frightened sensation on waking as if something dreadful had happened. Fear of the dark.

Sanicula: Fear of darkness. Constant desire to look behind herself.

Cannabis Ind: Fear of darkness.

Tarentula His: Indefinite fears; fear of something going to happen, fear of something that does not exist, sees terrible things that are not there.

Staphisagria: of his own shadow. Vexation with indignation, deep internal mortification attended with throwing away what was held in hand.

Hydrocyanic Acid: Fear of imaginary troubles. Fears everything, horses, wagons, houses falling etc.