WHOOPING COUGH - Homeopathic Guide


Thursday 25 January 2018


Pertussin: It is a nosode and should be given at the commencement of the treatment of whooping cough. In many cases one dose of this remedy may prove curative or cut short its duration.

Drosera: This is almost specific for whooping cough. It should be given in 30 potency and should only be repeated after every four days. Some authors think that it may, with advantage, be given in 3X potency in two drop doses at three hour intervals. Spells of barking cough coming frequently and not giving patient opportunity to recover breath. Vomiting and retching ensue. Cough is hoarse, the crowing inspiration is pronounced. Bleeding from various orifices. nose, throat, larynx etc.

Belladonna: In early stage of whooping cough. Cough dry recurs every half hour or so, in three or four fits at a time, face becomes flushed. There may also be nose bleeding at later stages.

Kali Carb: It is specific in whooping cough when Drosera fails. The specific symptom which would suggest this remedy is bag-like swelling between the upper lid and the eye brow.

Phosphorus: Indicated in cases threatening to end unfavorably at later stages. Expectoration tough, rust coloured or bright red and frothy phlegm, hoarseness, aphonia and tickling in the throat.

Ipecac: Is indicated when there is violent cough with vomiting. It is so violent that the child becomes blue in the face. Profuse discharge of glairy mucus.

Mephites: Hard cough with spasmodic whoop; worse at night and after lying down. Suffocative feelings-the child cannot exhale. Convulsions at times ensue. Mucus rales in the upper part of chest. (with the administration of this remedy, sometimes the patient is worse, but in reality, it tends to shorten the course of the disease). Cough very violent as if each attack will terminate life. Catarrhal symptoms are not present and there is little or no expectoration.

Corallium Rub. 6: Cough violent, children lose their breath and become purple and black in their face; gasping for breath and vomiting may follow. Icy coldness of air passages. Nervous and minute-gun cough. The air feels cold on breathing. Smothering before the cough is the guiding symptom.

Cuprum Met: Cough with interrupted or suppressed respiration. We have blueness of the face and vomiting. The finger nails become discoloured and the eyes are turned up, the child coughs until it loses its breath and lies in a state of insensibility. Cough caused by breathing cold air and better by drinking cold water. Violent fit which is relieved by cold water. The patient may have convulsions with clinching of thumbs and fists.

Allium Cepa: In children with vomiting, indigestion, flatulency and offensive flatus.

Coccus Cacti: Whooping cough worse in the morning ending in vomiting of clear ropy mucus, hanging in long strings from the mouth. Kali Bi. has also stringy mucus but it is yellow in colour and not so clear as in Coccus Cacti.

Senega: Cough towards the evening with tough transparent expectoration like white of egg. Patient feels crushing weight on the chest.

Natrum Mur: When there is flow of tears in cough (whooping).

Napthalin: Choking cough; unable to get respiration: sometimes so violent as to cause perspiration. The attacks come
suddenly and last longer. Constriction of throat is very marked.
(Reflex Cough in females). 

Tarentula Cub: Marvelous remedy for whooping cough which tears the patient to bits.