WATERBRASH - Homeopathic Guide


Tuesday 16 January 2018


Merc. Sol: Waterbrash with frequent swallowing, with nausea.

Lachesis: Acrid waterbrash makes the mouth sore.

Lycopodium: Waterbrash during pregnancy with or without cramps; with or without nausea; in dyspepsia.

Nux Vomica: Waterbrash with heart-burn; with colic; with indigestion; after eating.

Magnesia Mur: Waterbrash accompanied with headache. Inability to digest milk which causes pain. Foul eructations. Disordered stomach.

Pulsatilla: Waterbrash during and before menses; at night.

Petroleum: Waterbrash with nausea. In morning.

Carbo An: Waterbrash saltish, runs out of mouth.

Curare: Waterbrash in uterine ulcer.

Silicea: Waterbrash with chilliness.

Sepia: Waterbrash after drinking.

Bryonia: Waterbrash acid; tasteless; with retching.

Chelidonium: Waterbrash of bitter taste.