SMELL (DIMINISHED OR LOST) - Homeopathic Guide


Wednesday 31 January 2018


Alumina: Sense of smell diminished, fluent coryza. Point of nose cracked, nostrils sore and red, worse by touch. Scabs with thick yellow mucus.

Aurum Met: Loss of smell due to deformity in the nose on account of latent syphilis, chronic catarrh, etc.

Argentum Nit: Smell diminished in typhoid fever.

Mezerium: Diminishing of smell with dryness of nose.

Merc. Cor: Impairment of smell with sore throat.

Pulsatilla: Loss of smell with sore throat.

Natrum Mur: This should be tried if Pulsatilla fails in thick mucus.

Cup Met: In catarrh of frontal sinuses.

Elaps: In chronic inflammation of nasal membrane. In ozena.

Thuja: Sinusitis with bad smelling greenish discharge from nose. Loss of smell and allergic rhinitis. (cold).

Benzoic acid: Sense of smell diminished. Perversion of smell. Highly concentrated urine with offensive smell.

Kali Iodatum: Loss of smell. Sensation as if worm crawling at root of nose.

Magnesia Mur: Loss of smell and taste following catarrh.