HOARSENESS (CHRONIC) - Homeopathic Guide


Wednesday 31 January 2018


Baryta Carb: Hoarseness and loss of voice from cough, mucus in trachea. Paralysis of tongue. Chronic cases.

Carbo Veg: Obstinate cases worse in the morning and evening and by talking.

Hepar Sulph: An excellent remedy for chronic hoarseness, especially when there is a history of the patient having been drugged with mercurial preparations under other treatments. There is a loss of voice and a dry hoarse bark in adults, especially in the morning and evenings or when exposed to cold wind.

Sulphur: Should be tried in completing the cure.

Calcarea carb: They will be indispensable in certain

Silicea: case. They may be tried one after the other.

Senecio Aureus: Hoarseness due to suppression of menses.